

E2 language: Jay

IELTS-UP online lesson

Melody Tam(香港人說廣東話) IELTS9分滿分暨2015 DSE 7科5**狀元|Writing Task 1 Skills



British Council: learn English teens線上寫作練習



今天花了一個早上大約兩個小時(考試要求只能用20分鐘)完成我task I的文章如下:

I. pie chart

The charts illustrate how different British students sector at one university in England who were able to speak languages other than English in the years 2000 and 2010.


Overall, at the beginning of the period, the students were able to speak only German and two other languages contributed the least to the chart, while the students speak only Spanish contributed the most significant sector. In the comparison, at the end of the period, the students speak no other language became the lowest contribution and the percentage was same as the students speak only French.


The students speak only Spanish accounted for 30% of the chart in 2000 and experienced 5% increase in 2010. The students speak another language and two other language was 15% and 10% respectively in 2000 and both had a slight growth of 5% after the 10-year period. 


The students speak no other language, which comprised 20% in 2000, fell one of second to one-tenth in 2010. In 2000 the students speak only French was at 15%, then decreased by 5% in 2010. In contrast, the students speak only German remained constant in both year at 10%. 

II. line graph

The line graph illustrates the regional average CO2 emissions per person in the UK, Sweden, Italy, and Portugal from 1967 to 2007.


Overall, the average CO2 tonnes emissions of Italy and Portugal both showed the steady but significant rise over the period, while the CO2 emissions in metric tonnes in UK and Sweden experienced a downward trend.


In 1967 the average of Portugal was the least about a tonne and increased steadily to almost 6 tonnes in 2007, became the same as Sweden. Italy also rose noticeably from 4 tonnes per person to approximately 8 over a period of 40 years and exceeding Sweden’s average after 1987.


The average CO2 emissions presented the highest in the UK throughout the period, which declined slightly from about 11 to 9. In the contrast, the average of Sweden had grown in the period of 1967 to 1977, however, it dramatically decreased in the following decade. Then it fell down slowly at the end of the period.





現在的目標是要把常用的pattern, vocabulary, adverb 背下來!就是貝多芬(背多分)~~ 



Cambridge press IELTS 10 test 4 reading





最好的紀錄是一個section 只錯兩題,還沒有全對的!






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